Johns Hopkins Care at Home 403(b)
Both you and JHCH can contribute.
Your contributions
- You are automatically enrolled with an initial 2% pre-tax contribution unless you elect not to participate.
- Your elected contribution automatically increases by 1% annually (up to 4% of compensation) on the anniversary of your automatic enrollment date unless you opt out.
- You may choose a percentage of your salary to deposit into your account each pay period.
- There is also a Roth 403(b) option in which you make after-tax contributions, which generally allows for tax-free distributions in retirement.
Employer contributions*
- JHCH provides an annual matching contribution of 50% of your contribution, not to exceed 2% of your base salary.
- Employer discretionary contribution: JHCH also may provide an employer discretionary contribution of up to 3% of your compensation.
- To be eligible to receive employer contributions you must:
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Be a regular employee of JHCH
- Have worked for JHCH at least one year as of the plan entry dates (Jan. 1 and July 1 annually)
- Have worked 1,000 hours in the plan (calendar) year
- Be an employee of JHCH on Dec. 31 of the year in which you accrued the contributions
JHCH contributions are subject to the following vesting schedule:
Years of Vesting Service with Employer Applicable Vesting Percentage
1 0%
2 20% 3 40% 4 60% 5 80% 6 100% *If you decide within the first 90 days of plan participation that you do not want to participate, you may request a cash withdrawal of automatic contributions. You may also increase or decrease your contributions at any time.
TransAmerica hosts webinars throughout the year to help you prepare for the future and make the most of your finances in retirement.
Retirement Plan Essentials (Year round)
No matter what your retirement dream is, the most important thing you can do today is create a retirement strategy that will turn your vision into reality. One of the best tools you can use as part of that strategy is your employer’s retirement plan.
Get Ready to Retire (January and July)
Learn about strategies for transitioning into retirement, and the questions you should be asking now to prepare.
Guide To Medicare (February and October)
Transamerica can help explain the “A, B, C, Ds” of Medicare and how to start piecing together your healthcare strategy.
Women’s Guide to Financial Wellness (March)
Learn about tools and resources to feel confident making financial choices and develop a sound retirement strategy.
Managed Advice (April)
Managed Advice can help you build a personalized investment portfolio, recommend how much to save and connect you with financial professionals who can answer questions about retirement planning.
Guide To Social Security (May)
This webinar will show you how Social Security can fit into your retirement income plan and share different strategies for when to claim your benefit.
Estate and Legacy Planning (June)
Regardless of your age, income, or account balance, an estate plan can help you safeguard your legacy and protect the people most important to you. This webinar explains the importance and purpose of an estate plan and how to get started.
Investing For Retirement (August)
How you invest your retirement savings plays an important role in determining when you’ll be able to retire. The key balancing act to investing is aligning your goals, the number of years you have until you want to achieve those goals (referred to as time horizon), risk tolerance, and reward potential.
Managing Debt (September)
Guide to Retirement Income Planning (November)
Switching from a saving to a spending mindset can be tricky but there are simple steps you can take to make it easier, starting with making a plan. This presentation explains why retirement income planning is critical and discusses key steps to developing your plan.
Your IRS maximum contribution
In 2025, you may contribute up to $23,500 of your gross income. If you are age 50 or older you can contribute up to an additional $7,500.